eLearning support
Student eLearning support during the exam period.
To ensure that we can support you swiftly and effectively we ask that you work through the following steps:
If you have a question on the exam paper that you would normally have directed to an invigilator in a standard exam please address your question to the AMBS Assessment Team.
However, if your issue is technical:
- Firstly, check whether the issue you’re experiencing might be a broader University systems issue. Visit the service availability portal or the IT Services Twitter page for information and updates. If you experience technical issues when using Turnitin you may also want to consult the Turnitin Service Status page.
- The Faculty of Humanities eLearning team can help you with queries related to eLearning applications such as Blackboard and Turnitin, and provide support to enhance teaching and student learning. Please contact your eLearning team via the Support Centre.
- If you experience problems with Duo, or you have changed the device you use with Duo, IT Helpdesk can provide you with a Duo login code. During office hours complete a quick online form via the website IT help and support. Outside office hours, get in touch via IT Support phone 0161 306 5544.
Give us your views about our exam period live chat support service to assist you with any Blackboard/Turnitin queries by completing a brief feedback survey.
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